Professional Employment Law Services

Free Online Consultation

May Moncur

May is based in Auckland and has a substantial employee and employer client base. She has nine years’ experience dealing with all types of employment law claims and has appeared many times in the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court. She also appeared before the Court of Appeal as a McKenzie friend and successfully defended an appeal. She has acted for both employers and employees . May also speaks Chinese and can assist our wider range of migrant clients.

May has a common sense attitude to resolving employment law problems and is well respected in the employment law community. She has been interviewed in the media several times about employment law matters and was instrumental in getting the law changed about the legal treatment of migrants with regard to minimum wage breaches. She spoke to [then Prime Minister] John Key during an interview about employment law matters.

May will give you very practical, hands on advice, based on the significant number of cases she has handled successfully. Contact May for a reliable and realistic case assessment, assisting you to make sensible and practical decisions with regards to your employment law issues.

May’s cases and interviews:

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5


Online Consultation

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